Thursday, January 6, 2011

D.C. Big Flea

I was really excited about the snow, the first day, but now I have to many things to get done, I am not looking forward to any more snow, the weather report is calling for snow today, tomorrow, and maybe this weekend, here in VA. Beach.

We are packing up early for our show this weekend, set-up is Friday, but again they are calling for snow in Chantilly, VA. location of the D. C. Big Flea, just showers!!  I am posting some photos, of our vintage sliver plate,and our jewelry made with vintage beads, and findings.  I am taking lots of other unusual vintage finds, and  all of my jewelry.
Some really great vintage mirrors. I also have some great furniture pieces.
I wish I had more photos and I will take lots of photos this weekend of the whole show as this all new for us. I will have the photos for my next blog.

D.C. Big Flea  Dulles Expo Center Chantilly, VA.
4368 Chantilly Shopping Center  20151