Sunday, March 18, 2012

Coral Graveyard

There is a beautiful beach on the west side of Oahu, I am calling it the Coral Graveyard, it has so much coral washed up on the beach, trapped by the rocks, & lots of tide pools.  In some spots the beach is just fragments of white coral,covering like sand. Some are bleached out black coral, and some with a tiny patchs of orange. Tumbled by the Ocean before being thrown up on the beach.   This is the same beach that has lots of Cowie shells, and early in the morning there are a few people out searching for these shells.
Most hunting trips we are lucky if we find three or four , some very small to big like these, in the pictures.
Of course Emily who is also the primo sea glass finder, knows how to find these shells.  Knows where the community of these fabulous shells lives... unfortunately there are usually only one or two empty shells in the community, and we have a strict policy of not taking anything from the sea that is alive... this way it makes the finds much more special!  

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